Alright, love. This week, our class focus is gonna be a bit... well... different.
Instead of focusing on something specific as we dance, we're actually going to intentionally give our minds time to... wander.
Yep. We'll dance & just let our minds roam.
We'll relax into and enjoy the deliciousness of being un-focused.
Ahhhhhh.... I'm so ready.
As someone who LOVES to multitask, I often have at least two things going at once. I'm cooking and listening to a podcast. I'm driving and listening to an audiobook. I'm doing laundry and streaming that comedy special. With endless media at our fingertips, I can really easily find myself consuming a never-ending stream of information, entertainment, and other people's thoughts.
And sometimes.... it's just toooooooo MUCH.
Too much sound. Too much information. Too much coming INTO my head.
Recently, I've noticed that I've been really craving more quiet, so I've started being more intentional about weaving in quiet times throughout the day.
Instead of filling up the space with sound, embracing the delicious silence.
Walking without a podcast playing...
Cleaning without an audiobook running...
Driving without Spotify on...
Cooking without that comedy special streaming...
Giving my mind some time to just..... think
Or... not think...
And, although it's been challenging at times to refrain from turning on some sound (there's sooooo much out there to learn!), the quiet has also been feeling really, really good.
I think giving ourselves time and space to simply think our own thoughts might be really underrated. So that's what this week is all about, friend. Embracing the quiet. Embracing the unfocused spaciousness. Not directing our mind. Just allowing it to roam, ponder, wonder, daydream, problem-solve, and explore.
Allowing ourselves to think... freely.
Allowing ourselves to be.
How about you, friend? Does that sound good at all? Could your mind use a little more time, space, and quiet this week too?
What might that look like for you? How might you create more quiet spaciousness for yourself throughout your day?
As always, I can't wait to see what we discover together this week. See you soon!
💛 Dani