Hello, beautiful soul!
First, thanks so much for a beauuuuuuutiful start to the new year last week. Wow, what a dance! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Another week of joyful dancing is ahead, and I cannot wait! Here's what we'll be playing with this week...
New Year Vibes
I LOVE new year energy, friend. The beauty of a blank slate.... A chance to start fresh.... To make changes... Yessssssss.... But, I'm not quite ready. These days, however, I often find that I'm not quite ready by January 1st. After a whirlwind of Christmas shopping, large holiday gatherings, New Year's Eve celebrations, and more, by the time New Year's Day is here, I'm often like "wait, what? Already? Ah! I don't know what I want." Is it just me? :)
How about you, friend?
Do you like to do anything special for the new year, like set intentions, or goals, or make resolutions? Or perhaps set a particular focus, or pick a word for the year? If so, are you ready to begin by January 1st? Or do you have a bit of a slower timeline too? Either way, you are not alone.
A cozy, quiet, introspective month?
Although I LOVE the idea of starting the year fresh with New Year's resolutions... What I've found works best for me is to take the month of January to get clarity about what I want to focus on for the next year. January has become a gateway month. A perfect time for cozying up with hot drinks, soft blankets, and fresh blank planner pages. Time and space to look back on the past, and look ahead toward what I want to aim at for the future. I used to feel behind or late with this rhythm. Now I lovvvvvve giving myself the whole month to be introspective in this way. Then, by February, it's ON, baby! I'm focused and ready to GO! :)
Janus, Januarius, and January, oh my!
Something that's kind of neat: January is named after the Roman god, Janus (in Latin, Januarius), who's considered a god of beginnings, endings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, and passages. Isn't that cool? He's even often depicted as having two faces: one that looks backward to the past, while the other looks forward into the future. I mean, wow! Neat, huh? Whether you are ready to go by January 1st, or (like me) want a bit more time, it's a beautiful month for looking back, looking forward, and stepping into new beginnings.
Whatever your rhythm, this week's focus is applicable alllllll year long.
This week, we're going to play with 2 things simultaneously:
1) having an aim that we are headed toward, and
2) enjoying the ride along the way You know me.
I love to learn, grow, and improve. Plus, working toward goals that are meaningful is a key component of human happiness and flourishing. But sometimes, if I'm not careful, I can get soooooo focused on where I'm headed, and what I want to be or do or accomplish in the future, that I can forget to be present and enjoy the beautiful, glorious, joy-filled, adventurous ride along the way.
So this week, we'll be exploring how we might balance (or hold) those two things simultaneously. How do we focus, aim up, and improve ourselves and the world around us? Aaaaand how do we also make sure we don't miss out on the beauty, joy, and deliciousness of life along the way?
One is about our vision. Looking ahead. Having a focus. Holding that vision so it can guide us on our way. The other is about presence. Sensation. Experiencing this moment. Right here, right now. This breath. These feet. This skin. This connection. This beat. These humans I'm traveling with. This joy. This beautiful dance through life.
Ah! How cool it is to be alive in these bodies with these minds! As always, we'll dive in, dance, and play... and see what we come up with together. Thanks so much for reading, friend, and see you soon!
💛 Dani